Cisco AP 2702 AUX Port?!

Wer schon mal einen der neuen Cisco Aironet 2700 Series Accesspoint in der Hand hatte, hat sicher schon bemerkt das sich zwischen Console und Ethernet ein neuer AUX Port befinden.


Wozu ist dieser Port?

Ungleich anderen Herstellern, welche bei 802.11ac Accesspoints bewusst 2 Ethernet Ports für Portchannaling verbauen, damit der Accesspoint mit 2x1Gig angebunden werden kann und kein WLAN->LAN Engpass entsteht, wurde dieser Port nicht als Upstream sondern als Downstream definiert.

Cisco beschreibt ihn folgender Massen:

Auxiliary Ethernet Port (New Feature)

AP 2700 has an additional Ethernet port labeled “AUX” for Auxiliary port used for downstream traffic.

The Ethernet uplink port to the controller on the AP 3700 is labeled Ethernet, on the AP 2700 it is shortened to PoE.

This AUX port is designed to function as a downstream port. The AUX port is ideal for devices such as video cameras, projectors, IP Phones, Point of Sale terminals, and other end point devices. It is not designed to perform port aggregation nor will it provide PoE out.

Additionally, this AUX port will be disabled if the AP is being powered by a limited 15.4 W .3af PoE source because it requires PoE+, .3at, or local power (wall brick type power supply) to properly function.

Note In this initial 7.6 MR2 release, this port is not manageable and is simply bridged back to the controller. Avoid connecting another AP to this port or devices such as switches/hubs or the same switch or uplink as the PoE port because it can create spanning tree loop issues.

Figure 106 Ethernet uplink port to controller is labeled PoE and auxiliary port is labeled AUX





Samuel Heinrich
Senior Network Engineer at Selution AG (Switzerland)
Arbeitet in Raum Basel (Switzerland) als Senior Network Engineer mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Netzwerk

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