Cisco Prime Infrastruktur ist ein tolles Tool. In der Version 2.0 werden nun endlich auch die neuen WLAN Controller (5670, 3850, 3650) mit dem Converged Access Ansatz unterstützt. Vor dem Upgrade sollte man nicht zuviel Angst haben, dennoch sollte man die Release Note sorgfältig durchlesen.
Nebst den „Supported Devices“ sind wohl die Upgrade Requirements die wichtigsten Punkte die man beachten muss
You can upgrade the following NCS/Prime Infrastructure 1.x versions to Prime Infrastructure 2.0:
- with patch ncs_1_1_1_24-Update.13.4.tar.gz
- with patch PI_1_2_1_12-Update.1.0.tar.gz
- with patch PI_1_3_0_20-Update.1.12.tar.gz and/or PI_1_3_0_20_Update.4-16.tar.gz
- (migrated from with patch PI_1_2_1_12u-Update.1.tar.gz
The following NCS/Prime Infrastructure 1.x backups can be restored to Prime Infrastructure 2.0:
- with Patch ncs_1_1_1_24-Update.13.4.tar.gz
- with Patch PI_1_2_1_12-Update.1.0.tar.gz
- with patch PI_1_3_0_20-Update.1.12.tar.gz and/or PI_1_3_0_20_Update.4-16.tar.gz
- (migrated from with patch PI_1_2_1_12u-Update.1.tar.gz
The following NCS/Prime Infrastructure 1.x versions cannot be upgraded or restored to Prime Infrastructure 2.0:
For detailed information about the application upgrade, see the following URL:
Wie vor jedem Update empfiehlt sich ein komplettes Backup der Datenbank. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass man von der Prime CLI zwei Arten von Backups erstellen kann.
Backuped die gesamte Cisco Prime Installation, inkl. OS. Ein Restore kommt somit einem Snapshot restore gleich.
# backup filename repository
application NCS
Backuped nur die Konfiguration, ein Restore kann auch in eine hoehere Version wie bswp. 2.0 importiert werden. Ich empfehle diesen Schritt zu machen, so behält man sich bei einem missglückten Upgrade die Option offen eine Neuinstallation mit Restore zu machen.
Sollte Prime virtuell als VM laufen, ist ein Snapshot auf jeden Fall pflicht. Allerdings gewinnt man nicht wirklich, wenn man den Snapshot zurückspielt.
Backup Prime DB
Repository Anlegen:
vvmwlc21/admin# sh run
Generating configuration…
repository FTPServer
url ftp://x.x.x.x/PI_NCS
user sysftpbackup password hash xxxxx
url disk:/ftp
Backupjop anstossen:
vvmwlc21/admin# backup b4-prime-upgrade-to-2.0 repository FTPServer application NCS
% Creating backup with timestamped filename: b4-prime-upgrade-to-2.0-140326-1440.tar.gpg
/opt partition space looks good proceeding with backup
Stage 1 of 7: Database backup …
— complete.
Stage 2 of 7: Database copy …
— complete.
Stage 3 of 7: Backing up support files …
— complete.
Stage 4 of 7: Compressing backup …
— complete.
Stage 5 of 7: Building backup file …— complete.
Stage 6 of 7: Encrypting backup file …
— complete.
Stage 7 of 7: Transferring backup file …
— complete.
Backup kontrollieren:
vvmwlc21/admin# show backup history
Wed Mar 26 15:06:20 UTC 2014: backup b4-prime-upgrade-to-2.0-140326-1440.tar.gpg to repository FTP-IDV-P21: success
Upgrade Anstossen!
(in meinem Fall habe ich das Upgrade File direkt auf den Prime internen FTP kopiert)
vvmwlc21/admin# application upgrade PI-Upgrade- LOCALDISK_FTP_FOLDER
Save the current ADE-OS running configuration? (yes/no) [yes] ? yes
Generating configuration…
Saved the ADE-OS running configuration to startup successfully
Initiating Application Upgrade…
Stage 1 of 7: Transferring file …
— complete.
Stage 2 of 7: Unpacking file …
— complete.
Stage 3 of 7: Executing pre-install …[WARNING] System will reboot after a successful installation of this package (after Stage 7).
After reboot, please login again into the server to check status.
No action required at this time. Continuing with Stage 3.— complete.
Stage 4 of 7: Upgrading binaries …
— complete.
Prime Infrastructure Application installation completedStage 5 of 7: Retrieving system version …
— complete.
Stage 6 of 7: Updating Database Schema …
: This could take long time based on the existing data size.
Stage 1 of 5: Pre Migration Schema Upgrade …
— completed at: 2014-03-26 15:31:52.328, Time Taken : 0 hr, 2 min, 15 sec
Stage 2 of 5: Schema Upgrade …
: This could take long time based on the existing data size.
— completed at: 2014-03-26 15:41:11.051, Time Taken : 0 hr, 9 min, 18 sec
Stage 3 of 5: Post Migration Schema Upgrade …
— completed at: 2014-03-26 15:44:47.035, Time Taken : 0 hr, 3 min, 35 sec
Stage 4 of 5: Enabling DB Constraints …— completed at: 2014-03-26 16:15:59.495, Time Taken : 0 hr, 31 min, 8 sec
Stage 5 of 5: Finishing Up …
— completed at: 2014-03-26 16:16:21.255, Time Taken : 0 hr, 0 min, 21 sec
— complete.
Stage 7 of 7: Re-enabling Database Settings …
— complete.
Upgrade Finished. Server is restarting . Please wait ..% This application Install or Upgrade requires reboot, rebooting now…
Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Wed Mar 26 16:19:55 2014):
The system is going down for reboot NOW!
Nachdem das Upgrade durchlief, war das Webinterface von Prime leider nicht mehr ansprechbar, auf der CLI sah man den Grund:
vvmwlc21/admin# ncs status
Health Monitor Server is starting.
Ftp Server is running
Database server is running
Tftp Server is running
Matlab Server is running
NMS Server is stopped.
CNS Gateway with port 11011 is down
CNS Gateway SSL with port 11012 is down
CNS Gateway with port 11013 is down
CNS Gateway SSL with port 11014 is down
Plug and Play Gateway config, image and resource are down on https
Plug and Play Gateway config, image and resource are down on http
Plug and Play Gateway is stopped.
SAM Daemon is running …
DA Daemon is running …
Syslog Daemon is running …
Vorsicht, Goggled man etwas wird man auf einen Bug verwiesen und entsprechend ein Update auf Prime 2.0.3 empfohlen. Allerdings genügte in meinem Fall ein Stop/Start des NCS
vvmwlc21/admin# ncs stop
vvmwlc21/admin# ncs start
Starting Network Control System…
This may take a few minutes…
Network Control System started successfully.vvmwlc21/admin# ncs status
Health Monitor Server is running.
Ftp Server is running
Database server is running
Tftp Server is running
Matlab Server is running
NMS Server is running.
Plug and Play Gateway is running.
SAM Daemon is running …
DA Daemon is running …
Syslog Daemon is running …